Thursday 28 August 2014


This week we are going to form our groups for our Quest projects. We have been learning about the Australian Government System. We have been learning all about the leaders of our wonderful, democratic country, state and town, Parliament House, and many other special places we are going to visit and see in Canberra. Yes, we are off to Australia's capital next term, and we are all SUPER excited!

Welcome to our Blog!

Hello there and welcome to The Credible Adventures of 5/6B. We are a vibrant, energising and mostly talented group of learners. We range from artistic, adventurous, musical and drama driven talents. However, we all come together to learn as one, and build a family oriented environment in our classroom.

Be sure to check on us daily and see the wonderfull learning and fun that goes on each and every day. Make sure you leave a comment when you visit us!

Enjoy the ride with us.